Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh Woe Is Mitt!

You have to feel for Mitt Romney (ok, well maybe not, but go with me here for a minute). 

The Republican Party doesn’t like Mitt.  During the primary season, he gets no respect, with the Republican establishment always trying to get behind the next guy (or girl).  He wants to talk about the economy but the majority of the party seems to want to talk about social issues.  In the end, he’s the one who gets the nod.  He is the only candidate who doesn’t get a case of hoof in mouth and eliminate himself.  So he becomes the presumptive nominee.

Mitt has a plan to win the election.  He has an economic vision, and it’s one that resonates with a decent portion of the United States population.  He then goes out and picks a Vice Presidential running mate who has also placed a lot of emphasis on the economy with his own economic vision.  Two candidates with economic bonafides and little social baggage – yeah, when pressed, they have towed the party line on abortion, marriage, and the like, but the social issues do not define either candidate.

So Mitt successfully turns the presidential campaign to focus predominately on the economy, with foreign policy creeping in as well as other legitimate national issues.  The social issues seem like they are going to take a back door.

Then along comes the Republican Party Platform.

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