Tuesday, December 18, 2012

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Now the Second Amendment is open to interpretation, but regardless, I think there are plenty of steps that can be taken without infringing on your ‘so called’ right to bear arms.

The below proposals would need to be set at a federal level; however states are permitted to make more stringent requirements if they deem it necessary.

I personally don’t think the list goes far enough; however being realistic; I understand that more stringent controls would be unrealistic at this time.  I believe the list would not place an undue burden on owners of firearms.  I do believe that the list would result in gains in firearms safety and reduction in incidents involving legally obtained firearms. 
  • Comprehensive Education:  Institute a licensing system that requires comprehensive education that varies based on the type of permit being sought.  Hunting Rifles and Shotguns requiring the least amount of education, while assault rifles/automatic firearms requiring more comprehensive training.
  • Mental Health:  As part of the testing process, as simple mental health screening is mandated.  If someone fails that mental health screening, they need to consult with a mental health professional and receive a full evaluation before they can receive a permit to carry specific classes of firearms.
  • Background Check:  Nationwide Criminal Background Check – Felony and you are eliminated from certain classes.  Depending on the type of Felony, you can be restricted from lower classes as well.
  • Storage:  Prior to taking firearm home, an inspection of the storage location of the firearm, to make sure it is secure and appropriate for the type of firearm and household situation (most secure level for assault or automatic weapons – i.e. fingerprint scanner or similar).  If you have children, something more than a single key lock system, for any firearm.
  • Responsibility:  If you own a firearm, and someone legally in your home uses said firearm in a criminal act, you are responsible as an accessory in that crime. (This is the same as if your teen throws a party and there are underage drinkers, even if that party is without your consent.)
  • Revocation:  Committing crimes with or without firearm will result in revocation of permit.  Permit will also be set to expire after a set amount of time, and require renewal.  Failure to renew, or by not passing the renewal process, will result in revocation of permit.  In case of revocation, firearm will not be confiscated, however the owner will be required to certify and prove that they have disposed of firearm at a licensed dealer, where they can seek fair market value.  Failure to do so would result in further punishment.
  • Management:  The existing Motor Vehicle registration process would be used to manage the new firearms licensing process, so no new bureaucracy would be required. 

What would Firearms Advocates receive?

  • I would not place any restrictions on type or how many firearms and ammo an individual may own.
  • I would look to the NRA to spearhead the education system for Firearms ownership.  
  • Once you have a permit, no background checks, no waiting periods (beyond the registration process)
  • You can handle any firearm permitted, even those not directly owned by you.
  • Private transfer of firearms will be handled similar to the private transfer of a car.

Among others

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